Agricultural Buildings — Kitbuildings

contact us

Use the form on the right to contact us or to request a call back.

We aim to respond to your enquiries within 24 hours.

Coombe Abbey Farm, Coombe Fields Road
Binley, Coventry

0845 459 4079


Agricultural Buildings

From stables to grain stores and everything in between Kitbuildings are able to meet your requirements and exceed your expectations.

All buildings come with full CE certification.

We can assist with the following types of projects. Please contact our sales team for a competitive quotation.

Livestock buildings
Crop storage
Dairy buildings
Equine arenas
Insulated poultry buildings
Pig buildings

Finishes available; Red oxide, Forest green, Galvanized. Please contact us for bespoke finish options.

Please click here to submit an online quotation request, all enquiries are usually dealt with within 24 hours.

120ft Cattle building complete.

120ft Cattle building complete.

40ft Cattle building with canopy complete.

40ft Cattle building with canopy complete.

40ft Clear span being erected.

40ft Clear span being erected.

50ft Clear span being erected.

50ft Clear span being erected.

50ft Clear span building complete.

50ft Clear span building complete.

Mono pitch building with canopy being erected.

Mono pitch building with canopy being erected.

Mono pitch with canopy complete.

Mono pitch with canopy complete.

Cattle building supplied to Sweden - Exterior

Cattle building supplied to Sweden - Exterior

Cattle building supplied to Sweden - Interior

Cattle building supplied to Sweden - Interior